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MS Excel© for higher maths: Solving initial-value second order ordinary differential equations on an Excel© spreadsheet

This paper presents a friendly method of solving initial-value second order differential equations (DEs) analytically on a MS Excel© workbook. Upon entering the constant coefficients and boundary conditions the type of solution is highlighted and the user can visualize the full solution accompanied by a graphical representation on a mouse click. Graphical artefacts and data misrepresentation have been explored and remedial procedures recommended. This tool is designed to help engage students and contribute in tackling the rather familiar “maths problem” to many lecturers today. It is also intended as a help to academics wishing to generate DEs for teaching and assessment purposes; in addition to being a handy aid to simulation and development engineers. Parameters can be varied and equations with solutions saved on a separate worksheet for future use. There is room for customisingthis solver to adopt user’s terminology. This present version is the first and it has been restricted to equations of the type:

ay” + by’ + cy = RSin(ωt + φ)

where a b c R ω and φ are all constants and b or R can be zero.


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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.