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Multimedia System Integration Workshop: Hands-on

This paper was presented at the 2008 Engineering Conference - Innovation Good Practice and Research in Engineering Education.

With the advent of Internet TV audio and video streaming over the Internet has become widely accepted as the future direction of the television industry. Although these technologies are developing quickly Internet users are becoming overwhelmed with the capabilities of streaming technology. MSI: an internally funded project is now available which pilots a currently established multimedia facility by introducing staff and students to the technology behind current trends in audio and video streaming. The facility allows staff to adapt the technology further enhancing their existing learning and teaching materials. Integration of audio and video materials with existing lecture tutorial or selfstudy materials can benefit many disciplines. Lecture laboratory tutorial or presentations can be broadcast live over the network or be recorded for future reference by students. Screen captures of software demonstrations can be performed using these technologies. Integration with MLE or other websites is seamless with great potential for further enhancing the facilities that can be offered. Results from an internal workshop survey also show staff generally agreed that some disciplines may benefit greatly from the integration of the audio/video streaming materials which enhance module delivery.

The workshop will focus on the teaching and learning area accompanied by a practical hands-on approach whereby participants are exposed to creating audio/video teaching materials publishing these materials onto the Media Servers and seamlessly integrating them with existing MLEs and websites. The hands-on session enables participants to gain some understanding regarding the procedures needed to enable audio/video streaming over the network to function efficiently.

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