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Numerical reasoning - a proactive collaborative approach

A presentation from the STEM Annual Conference 2014.

Many graduate recruiters use numerical reasoning tests to screen applicants. Many university students have forgotten mathematical skills such as calculating percentages fractions ratios and exchange rates. Mathematics support for such students when given tends to be individual teaching urgently provided. This is an inefficient and possibly ineffective use of maths support resources.

A proactive workshop approach to numerical reasoning support is being trialed at De Montfort University (DMU). These workshops run monthly are open to all DMU students and participation early in the graduate recruitment process is encouraged. The workshops are jointly run by the Maths Learning Centre and the Careers Service. During the workshops background information and preparation tips are provided. Students then tackle test questions individually and in groups. This process develops problem-solving skills as well as providing an opportunity to develop and demonstrate other employability skills such as team-work communication leadership decision-making and assertiveness.

The effectiveness of the workshops is evaluated by feedback forms distributed to all participants which involve self-assessment of numerical knowledge and confidence before and after the workshop. Initial findings indicate that the workshops have a positive effect on both knowledge and confidence. Feedback shows that these workshops are an efficient effective and interesting way of preparing large groups of students for numerical reasoning testing and for some aspects of the graduate recruitment process.

Plans for extending this support will be detailed including a staff-student partnership to facilitate these workshops and extend their reach. Advice for other HEls and collaborative opportunities will be described.

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.