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OER International Programme Evaluation Report

Open Educational Resources (OER) have been of increasing interest to policy makers and educators over recent years with thousands of resources and courses now available globally over the internet. Within the UK JISC and the Higher Education Academy (HEA) initially ran two year-long OER programmes: the UKOER pilot programme in 2009-10 and Phase 2 in 2010-11. This work involved over 90 UK institutions releasing OERs alongside associated work to provide support and guidance. When the Department of Business Innovation and Skills (BIS) Online Learning Task Force recommended in 2012 that HEFCE made additional investments around OER JISC and the HEA were invited to develop a further year-long funded programme. Given the importance of internationalisation to UK universities and the global reach of OER this additional programme of work included a ‘Promoting UK OER Internationally’ strand designed specifically to enable universities to devise and implement policies within their institutions that would promote previously created OER to an international audience. It was anticipated that up to 20 projects would be commissioned building on work undertaken within the previous funding rounds.

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.