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Online braille course

Reference is made in Flexible Pedagogies: part-time learners and learning in higher education to a selection of case studies that illustrate how flexible pedagogies have been developed to support the needs of part-time learners.

This case study provides an illustration of a course for educational practitioners learning braille that has been structured around an associative perspective.

University of Birmingham

The braille course is intended for part-time educational practitioners who wish to teach themselves to read and write contracted (grade 2) braille as part of a credit-bearing award. It has been developed as an online course for use by part-time students who can work through the exercises at their own pace alongside their studies. The online material enables a learner to transcribe from print to braille or read the braille which can be checked against the print. The online Rulebook lists all the braille symbols and explains the rules governing their use. It therefore provides a reference tool for the learner wanting to check the accuracy of their understanding of the complexities and nuances of the code without the need for a tutor.

ptl_cs_u_of_bham_braille_0.pdf View Document

The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.