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Overview of the provision of mathematics support to students in a University College

Harper Adams University College offers a range of university courses in rural and land-based subjects including engineering. All students at Harper Adams study mathematics or statistics as part of their chosen courses. The engineering students appreciate the necessity of mathematics in their engineering courses; this does not however prevent students from finding it difficult and across the college all courses include some study of statistics which the majority of students do reluctantly.

Since the late 1990’s there has been much concern about the difficulties students encounter with mathematics statistics and general numeracy at university both nationally and across the college. At Harper Adams links were shown between these difficulties and issues with student retention and progression so in 2001/2 in response to these concerns curriculum changes were made and a part-time mathematics support provision was introduced which has since been developed and extended. Students are supported by a part-time mathematics support tutor in one-to-one appointments and by optional group sessions aimed at specific modules. Support was aimed particularly at first years to help bridge any gaps between students’ knowledge and the requirements of their degree courses and this remains the key focus of support provided. The effects of the mathematics support and curriculum changes were positive; improving student performance and confidence.

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.