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Personal Motivation

Supporting Entrepreneurial Skills Matrix (SESM) - C1

Planning a business start up process requires an appreciation and understanding of 'self' and/or the start up team which recognises the demands of start up and seeks the benefits it offers.  This session explores the expectations of those that support business start up and examines the personal motivation within.

What types of people are entrepreneurs?

"An entrepreneur is someone who wants some form of adventure who is a risk taker and has no limits. When I was younger I believed it was about taking risks spotting opportunities and acting on them quickly. However after being self employed I would like to think the risks I take now would be slightly more calculated. A good entrepreneur has to inspire and motivate others; be it the bank suppliers or any stakeholder in the business. It's about demonstrating confidence and enthusiasm particularly at the early stage of the business. After studying my MBA I realise there are different types of entrepreneurs. I'm starting to wonder whether I am a creator and my forte is not to grow the business - who knows?"
(Zak Marketing communications)

"I believe that the key to being a good entrepreneur is understanding yourself and your needs. This involves a lot of self reflection in identifying your strengths and weaknesses. Once these have been established it is important to find people to fill your knowledge gaps - this will help a project run more smoothly."
(Sarah Restaurant entrepreneur)

Why be an entrepreneur?

"For me having my own business is not just about developing and furthering myself I have a lot of friends who are producing really good music so this is my chance to help them get their music heard and at the same time develop my own profile and interests."
(Ray Wilburn Record label)

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.