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Postgraduate transitions: exploring disciplinary practice

Careers Research & Advisory Centre (CRAC)

Recent analysis shows that certain UK HE institutions seem to be more successful than comparable institutions in relation to the proportion of their graduates that enter postgraduate study. There are also marked differences between different disciplines.

A mixed methods approach is being used to obtain institutional disciplinary and student perspectives in order to identify and investigate this ‘effective’ practice supported by  multivariate analysis in order to account for certain institutional and student cohort differences. Qualitative investigation work with staff and students in ‘high-performing’ institutions and disciplines within them will be complemented by survey work with postgraduates to assess what constitutes effective support and/or inspiration by the undergraduate’s institution.

A research report based on the research findings and a compendium of case studies to highlight and share effective practice will be produced.

Careers Research &amp

The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.