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Professional development needs of teacher educators in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and school-based mentors in schools

ESCalate Initial Teacher Education (ITE) at the University of Cumbria undertook to provide a research study for the Training and Development Agency for Schools (TDA) to provide a range of data from which to produce an up to date analysis of the current development needs of teacher educators in Higher Education Institutions and teacher mentors in schools concerned with the ITE sector.

The aims of the research report were:

  • to identify the current and future support needs of teacher educators in Higher Education Institutions providing Initial Teacher Education for schools;
  • to identify the current and future support needs of student teacher mentors in schools;
  • to clarify the important CPD issues as perceived by these staff;
  • to inform TDA internal planning for the 2009-10 business year by understanding the critical issues and challenges facing ITE providers.

The download on this page is the full report as presented to the TDA.

5709.doc View Document

The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.