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Project Update - Widening the Use of DyscalculiUM: A First-line Screening Test for Dyscalculia in Higher Education

“Dyscalculic students have a low level of numerical or mathematical competence compared to expectation. This expectation being based on unimpaired cognitive and language abilities and occurring within the normal range. The deficit will severely impede their academic progress or daily living. Dyscalculia is therefore an inability to effectively connect with numbers and mathematics. It may include difficulties recognising reading writing or conceptualising numbers understanding numerical or mathematical concepts and their inter-relationships. It follows that dyscalculics may have difficulty with numerical operations both in terms of understanding the process of the operation and in carrying out the procedure. Further difficulties may arise in understanding the systems that  rely on this fundamental understanding such as time money direction and more abstract mathematical symbolic and graphical representations.”  (Source: Trott and Beacham NADO Conference 2005).

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.