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Promoting excellence in employability and transversal skills: A multidisciplinary and intercultural approach to learning - HEA Annual Conference 2017 - Generation TEF: Teaching in the spotlight

This Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership brings together academia and industry from Scotland Finland and the Netherlands to develop and share excellence in learning environments in a multidisciplinary and intercultural setting.  Teams of students having researched issues and potential solutions for the “Renewables Sector” have been brought together to participate in an industry informed 10 day intensive study period in Scotland. The objectives of this session are to: 1. Present an overview of the main learning activities of the project; 2. Disseminate the key findings of year 1 of the Project; 3. Highlight predicted impacts of the activities on student learning and teaching excellence.

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Glasgow Caledonian University

The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.