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A quick and easy (rough and ready) method for online video

E-Learning in Mathematical Subjects (ELMS) talks at Nottingham Trent University have included several interesting talks with content not yet available elsewhere. For example the May 2007 Supporting Students with Disabilities Series article by Maddox contained much content given in his ELMS talk of May 2006. It is no slur on Maddox; finding time to write is difficult and publishing takes time too. Still this left me feeling that interesting content had been lost to those not present which could have been recorded. In this spirit I would urge people to record live content whenever they can and make this available as widely as possible (with the speakers permission). ELMS talks are now recorded by NTU Visual Services. Prior to this the following procedure was used “in house”.

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.