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Raising the bar: Introducing a revised approach to making judgements on teaching performance of newly appointed lecturers - HEA Annual Conference 2017 - Generation TEF: Teaching in the spotlight

In the context of TEF students’ post-graduation outcomes have become increasingly important to Schools. This is particularly the case in the media and creative industries where students have typically taken a number of years to find graduate-level employment. In response to the challenge of employability in media and communications I have created a personal and professional development programme called ‘Media Futures’. A series of weekly timetabled talks workshops careers events and networking Media Futures has had a significant impact on student outcomes with the Schools DHLE score increasing by 15% this year making it one of the best in the University. This presentation will provide an overview of Media Futures and how it is working for our students. 

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.