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Research Ethics OER: Can They Be Radically Repurposed and Remixed?

This case study provides guidance on discovering reusing and repurposing of Open Educational Resources (OER). It is presented within the context of research ethics OER for higher education learning and teaching and together with the OER guidance provides examples of OER found for this subject area.

The JISC funded SHARE project which took place at Nottingham Trent University (NTU) between 2009 and 2011 unexpectedly became a catalyst for raising awareness of OER issues as academic staff at NTU began to discuss and investigate issues with respect to sharing their resources beyond the institution. In an attempt to establish further engagement in partnership with academic library and staff development colleagues the project team developed introductory OER training and support which is now part of NTU's online resources and support activities.

When the SHARE project concluded it recommended that more work could be undertaken to promote further widespread adoption of OER and to encourage movement beyond awareness to integration within teaching. Some components of the project were noted to be ubiquitous across a range of courses; such as project management final-year dissertation and research methods. This case study focuses on the availability of OER in one of these areas research ethics within the context of research methods.

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.