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A resource and activity centre for mathematics students beyond their transition to higher education

Mathematics support is a broad term now widely interpreted within higher education as embracing facilities offered to students that are provided in addition to those which may traditionally have been available such as lectures tutorials and problem classes. Mathematics support is often provided outside of academic departments and perhaps by staff who are not formally teaching the students. Historically such provision has been focussed upon non-specialist students for example those on engineering programmes especially as they enter university and throughout their first year. In 2005 sigma – the Centre for Excellence in Mathematics and Statistics Support was established as part of HEFCE’s initiative to establish Centres for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETLs). It aims to develop provision not only for students who are struggling with basic mathematics at the transition to university but also for other groups for whom a need can be identified or for whom existing provision can be enhanced. Thus we are in the process of redefining mathematics support to move beyond a remedial model to one of enhancement.

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.