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Review of GenStat for Windows v7.1

This is the most recent version of the general-purpose statistical package GenStat and is the seventh version since the focus of development was on a Windows version of the package. New editions of GenStat for Windows are released on an approximately annual basis. GenStat for Windows provides a wide range of statistical and data manipulation tools a great many of which are now available via the menu system. The ease of access via the menu system to most common (and a few less common) statistical techniques makes GenStat for Windows an ideal package for us to use in teaching statistics to postgraduate students in the biological sciences and an ideal tool for these PhD students to use in analysing their own data (with advice and support). The range of techniques readily available within the package should also make GenStat for Windows highly suitable for use in more advanced statistical courses with the underlying command language and procedure library providing access to a wider range of statistical techniques and facilities to develop more complex analysis approaches by writing programs.

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.