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Reviewing Undergraduate Criminology Textbooks (1)

The purpose of this project was to consider processes relating to the selection of undergraduate text books for teaching. Programme and module booklets usually provide fairly extensive lists of recommended texts some of which may have been developed over time or by different members of staff. The selection process if there is one is often pragmatic. Often the only scrutiny of selections is through the oversight of external examiners or at validation and review.

In considering texts for adoption the following points may be significant:

  • Overall content;
  • Structure;
  • Pitch;
  • Writing style;
  • Presentation/appearance;
  • Additional learning and teaching features (e.g. graphics and illustrations; review questions);
  • Companion websites that offer additional supporting materials.

These factors have been incorporated into the review conducted for this report.

reviews_blog1_berrington.docx View Document

The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.