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Science and statistics teaching

This is a report contains three case studies:

1) The Practical Sandpit was aimed at addressing the problem that just because a resource is open does not mean it will be used with a specific focus on OER virtual experiments the author had created. The case study explores what needs to be done to make virtual experiments open to creative reuse including looking at how different development platforms affect creative reuse.
2) How OER can help a strategically important and vulnerable subject area – quantitative social science was aimed at using OERs to improve social science undergraduate’s understanding of quantative methods (QM). Specifically it focuses on the Sharing OER for Statistical Literacy using Real World Data project which was funded by SCORE. It aims to find and share Open Educational Resources (OER) and good practice in those universities already working to upskill students in QM and to focus on resources that address global issues by using real-world data.
3) The special nature of science and technology OER examines what the requirements for effective physical sciences and engineering OERs are. The case study focuses on the limitations of 2D modelling caused the be the necessity of web based interfaces when using OER via a case study of the Wavelet Wander project.

These case studies were created by SCORE (Support Centre for Open Resources in Education) fellows as part of the joint HEA / JISC Open Educational Resources study; pedagogical development from OER practice.

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.