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Senior academic promotions CV scheme

University of Cambridge staff data has shown that women are underrepresented in all academic roles, with the proportion of women decreasing with seniority. Consultations over a number of years with female academics identified that those who were ready for promotion were often reluctant to apply. This reflects national and international research regarding women academics’ relative reluctance to engage with promotion processes.

The CV scheme brings together senior academic mentors with experience and knowledge of senior academic promotions procedures to support female academics to apply for senior promotion (to professorships, readerships and senior lectureships). It creates an opportunity for an experienced academic to review their CV and application, provide advice, information and guidance before a submission for promotion is made. The scheme is primarily targeted at female academics but is open to all.

In 2013 there was an increase in the number of women applying for promotion at all levels. Further analysis of the data over a number of years showed that this increase was driven by a higher participation rate of women in the senior academic promotions process.