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Small Development Projects 2015 - Coventry University - Leading small, new and evolving higher education institutions in turbulent times

Project Summary

Project leader: Craig Gaskell

The rapid diversification of UK higher education, turbulance in the system and the erosion of the stability assumptions that could once be relied upon provide a challenging backdrop for leadership of any institution. Within the sector there are a number of small-scale higher education institutions. Some of these are well established but others are relatively young and are having to develop and evolve fast. Leadership of all these institutions at such a time of sector-wide instability provides particular challenges. This study has been undertaken to gain some insight into those challenges, enabling learning points to be taken from the recent experiences of the most senior executives of a number of such institutions in England. This report outlines the study and presents the findings.

Leading small, new and evolving higher education institutions in turbulent times
Leading small, new and evolving higher education institutions in turbulent times View Document