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STEM Conference 2017 Session 3 abstracts

Below are the abstracts for Session 3 of the STEM Conference 2017

Session 3.5: Technology-informed Curriculum Design: Challenges Faced & Lessons Learned


Mr Peter Alston University of Liverpool

Presenting an opportunity to enhance the learning environment for both staff and students the online environment is quickly becoming commonplace in higher education impacting on both policy and practice. As a “defining technology” the online environment is almost an expectation from today’s technology-literate students with a blended approach to teaching learning and assessment now becoming more of a necessity than an option. In this short presentation I will share some of my own and departmental experiences around the use of online learning environments for teaching learning and assessment calling on previous/current research to support the need for technology to become an ‘active’ rather than ‘passive’ thought in curriculum design.

Session 3.6: Making a Mathematics Degree Work for the Workplace


Dr Ewan Russell Keele University

This session will provide details and ideas on novel teaching methods to provide undergraduate students with experience of working with mathematics in a business context. These teaching methods have been employed at Keele University on a final year module where employers have been heavily involved in designing and assessing learning activities. The student staff and employer feedback on these activities will be presented in this session.

Session 3.8: What do university students understand by academic success? What factors contribute to its attainment?


Dr Moria Cachia Dr Siobhan Lynam Dr Rosemary Stock University of West London

As higher education practitioners we put in every effort to motivate and engage our students in their learning process.  This qualitative research examined students’ understanding of academic success.  It was aimed at gaining an understanding of their perspective on how teaching activities can be tailored to support them through the process of reaching this goal.

Thematic analysis of the collected data highlighted the need for personal development training alongside the delivery of subject content to be integrated within their programme of studies.  This presentation is aimed at stimulating discussion and brainstorming of ideas around good practice in this regard.

Session 3.6: Making a Mathematics Degree Work for the Workplace
Session 3.6: Making a Mathematics Degree Work for the Workplace View Document
Session 3.8: What do university students understand by academic success? What factors contribute to its attainment?
Session 3.8: What do university students understand by academic success? What factors contribute to its attainment? View Document

The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.