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STEM School activity days: the student role and impact

A presentation from the STEM Annual Conference 2014.

Since 2011 the UWE has been running outreach STEM Activity Days in Engineering Mathematics and Science to schools in the Bristol area. The format of the day is based on one of the outcomes from the HE STEM project Constructing a Coherent STEM Strategy with Schools (2010). The aims of the STEM Activity Days are to:

  •  inspire pupils with respect to STEM subjects
  •  encourage pupils to aspire to university to study STEM subjects
  •  promote future careers in science engineering and mathematics
  •  connect with and enhance the school STEM curriculum.

The activities are divided into at most six stands two engineering two mathematics and two science. Each stand is staffed by two student ambassadors and the success of the day depends crucially on their commitment and involvement.

The student ambassadors demonstrate the equipment and run through the concepts connected with their stand to a group of 10-15 pupils every 15 minutes and repeat this six times during each session. It is quite exhausting but also great fun. The student ambassadors learn to present in innovative ways to maintain interest. This can on occasion require quick thinking and risk-taking. They gain valuable experience from presenting to pupil groups which enhances their CVs and their employability.

The talk will describe the format and the activities of the day and give feedback on the Activity Day from schools and pupils. The role of the student ambassador will be described and the qualities of a good student ambassador discussed.

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.