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Strengthening the student/alumni partnership to enhance the student journey

A presentation from the STEM Annual Conference 2014.

The time a student spends studying at University is a formative period in their journey to a successful career. While the study and research carried out in a degree programme is key the support and influence of alumni is a further vitally important aspect of the student experience.

The Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry at the University of Strathclyde has created the Chemistry International Alumni Ambassadors (CIAA) Network to enhance both the student/alumni partnership and the experience of our students. Membership of the Network is already buoyant and the programme also features the student led ‘Alumni Club’.

During our presentation we will focus on the following key areas:

  • An overview of the process undertaken to establish the CIAA Network;

  • The contribution from the student body to the Programme;

  • The benefits gained by students from the programme which include: more opportunities for placements internships and employment; mentoring support; advice from industry forums; wide range of scholarship support; creation of a more diverse student body by increasing recruitment of international students;

  • The benefits to Alumni which include: opportunities to collaborate in teaching research and knowledge exchange; access to enthusiastic and well qualified students and graduates; opportunity to mentor and shape the next generation of industry and academic leaders.

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.