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Student Awards 2006

Details of the 2006 UK Centre for Bioscience Student Award where students responded to the question ' How does the experience of your course compare with any expectations you may have had?'  The award gave students the opportunity to express opinions tell us about their experiences and win up to £300. The winning entries and runners-up can be downloaded.  The annual award started in 2005.

The Student Essay Competition open to all UK higher education students studying a pure or applied biological science was run by the Centre for Bioscience with the aim of identifying what students had expected of their course the factors that led to those expectations if and how their experiences were different from their expectations. It was hoped that the essays would also give a variety of individual accounts of the experience of learning bioscience and examples of good and/or innovative teaching learning and assessment methods. 

Twenty-nine entries were received all of a very high quality of these ten were shortlisted from which one overall winner and two runner-up essays were chosen.  

The essays were intended as a useful resource for bioscience academics. To highlight this a commentary to highlight issues raised in the shortlisted entries was published in volume 18 of the Bioscience Bulletin.  

Thank you to all who submitted an essay and congratulations to the winner Sue Willis the runners-up Sepideh Bazazi and Sian McCarthy and all the shortlisted entrants. The winning runner-up and shortlisted essays are available below to download in pdf format.  


Sue Willis 3rd year Coastal Marine Biology student at the University of Hull Scarborough Campus

student-award-2006-winner_0.pdf View Document

The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.