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Student perspective: University of Exeter: Students as Change Agents

The Guild of Students organises and supports student representatives from all subject areas to contribute to 'Staff Student Liaison Committees' (SSLCs). Membership of each SSLC consists of student representatives and staff members with one student acting as Chair. The Students as Change Agents project has involved the student representatives and the Chairs of the SSLCs by supporting them to take the lead in bringing about evidence-based change by undertaking small-scale research projects.

Students involved decide on a topic for investigation (something that has been raised in a SSLC meeting) develop a research question plan their own methods of data collection and analysis and provide recommendations and solutions. Over a period of eighteen months twenty small-scale projects have now involved mostly undergraduate students in almost all subject areas investigating topics such as assessment and feedback seminar provision technology employability personal and peer- tutoring and academic writing.

student_engagement_case_study_exeter.pdf View Document

The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.