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The Student View of 1st year Laboratory Work in the Biosciences – Score Gamma?

Students registered on 1st year bioscience courses in 9 universities were surveyed for their views on the laboratory classes they were taking. Returns were obtained from 695 (70%). Student views were varied some viewing particular features of laboratory classes as ‘good’ while others viewed the same features as ‘bad’. Students identified as the best features of laboratory classes:

  • learning new skills and using new equipment;
  • the opportunity for social interaction;
  • the function of practicals to illustrate material given in lectures;
  • the acquisition of new knowledge through practical classes;
  • high interest value of practicals.

Most students preferred the laboratory classes they had experienced at school to those at university.

From the students’ views about the worst features of practicals issues are identified attention to which may improve the view students take of 1st year laboratory classes. In outline these issues were the:

  • effectiveness and consistency of staff in TEACHING laboratory classes;
  • importance of students forming friendship networks in practical classes;
  • perception that 1st year practicals are long boring and tedious;
  • poor organisation of practicals;
  • magnitude of the transition which students are undergoing from school to university type work and environment.
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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.