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Support for External Examiners not Working in Higher Education (Conner and Davies 2005)

The purpose of the following report is to provide a description of a study of external examiners working in non-academic settings (i.e. not employed in a higher education institution) and their experience of induction and support for the external examiner role.

The study was conducted following a workshop led by Professor Howard Colley at the University of Wales Institute Cardiff (UWIC) in February 2005. One issue arising at this workshop concerned the appointment of external examiners from outside the higher education context and whether they had any specific needs in terms of induction.

The study thus sought to establish the number and nature of external examiners drawn from non higher education contexts within a small group of Welsh universities and to investigate their experience of induction.

support_for_external_examiners_not_working_in_higher_education_conner_and_davies.doc View Document

The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.