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Teaching and Learning Conference 2019: DigiReady: Preparing learners for the modern workplace through the development of 21st-Century skills

It has never been more important to prepare our students for the modern workplace by equipping them with future-facing digital skills. Following the Jisc Digital experience insights survey 2018 it was found that only 41% of students who were asked felt that their course of study ‘prepared them for the digital workplace’. In addition only 40% agreed that they had regular opportunities to ‘review and update their digital skills’. At the University of Central Lancashire the Technology Enabled Learning and Teaching (TELT) team have worked closely with our academic community to address these ever-growing concerns.

DigiReady Preparing learners for the modern workplace through the development of 21st-Century skills.pdf
DigiReady Preparing learners for the modern workplace through the development of 21st-Century skills.pdf View Document

The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.