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Teaching and Learning Conference 2019: The Flipped Classroom Learning Ecology and the role of lecture capture beyond the classroom

The Flipped Classroom Learning Ecology (FCLE) is a heuristic model that emerged from a study of experienced practitioners that have developed an expertise in the use of flipped learning in their teaching. Flipped learning is a pedagogy that is growing in popularity however it remains ‘under-theorised’ (Abeysekera and Dawson 2014 p.2). This presentation will showcase how the FCLE evolved as a theorised model that supports practitioners in designing flipped learning. The presentation will further explore how the aspects of the model have been observed in the evolving ways in which video capture technology is being utilised by educators.  Participants can view and evaluate the FCLE at: 

The Flipped Classroom Learning Ecology and the role of lecture capture beyond the classroom.pdf
The Flipped Classroom Learning Ecology and the role of lecture capture beyond the classroom.pdf View Document

The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.