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Teaching and Learning Conference 2019: HE training in compassion for high performance groupwork: What virtual reality is offering

In studies from Neuroscience Clinical Psychology and Anthropology compassion (noticing the distress or disadvantaging of oneself or others and acting to reduce or prevent that) dismantles anti-group behaviours - e.g. individualistic competitiveness and 'free loading’ - and enhances levels of critical thinking in teams/groups. The practical micro skills of compassion are therefore becoming credit-bearing on some HE degree programmes. Growing demands in HE for related training in this area has driven the development of a cost-effective user-friendly virtual reality programme to deliver this. This presentation includes clips of video footage from within our VR simulation to show progress on this.

HE training in compassion for high performance groupwork What virtual reality is offering.pdf
HE training in compassion for high performance groupwork What virtual reality is offering.pdf View Document

The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.