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Teaching and Learning Conference 2019: Improving the promptness of assessment feedback through a traffic light display system and early moderation process

Providing effective assessment feedback is crucial for student achievement. However one prerequisite for effective feedback is that it is timely. Relatively poor scores on the NSS item 'Feedback on my work has been prompt' suggest timeliness is an issue across institutions and subjects. This session details the implementation of two interrelated projects designed to improve promptness of feedback and ensure that students recognise when feedback is prompt - a traffic light system to display feedback times to staff and students and introduction of early moderation processes. These initiatives were associated with a 35-point increase on the NSS item the following year.

Improving the promptness of assessment feedback through a traffic light display system and early moderation process.pdf
Improving the promptness of assessment feedback through a traffic light display system and early moderation process.pdf View Document

The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.