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Teaching and Learning Conference 2019: Tackling ‘grade inflation’- the role of External Examining

The increase in the number of first and upper second class degrees awarded particularly in England has been the subject of considerable ministerial concern and media speculation about putative grade inflation recently.  

As a result:
• A grade inflation metric has been introduced into the Teaching Excellence and Student Outcomes Framework. 
• The Office for Students has made protecting the value of qualifications awarded a condition of ongoing registration for English institutions. 
• UUK has issued ‘a statement of intent’ to protect the value of UK degrees
External examining has long been considered critical to the maintenance of academic standards. Can it still fulfil this role?

Tackling ‘grade inflation’- the role of External Examining.pdf
Tackling ‘grade inflation’- the role of External Examining.pdf View Document

The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.