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Teaching Mathematics

“The title which I most covet is that of teacher. …Happy is the person who comes to understand something and then gets to explain it.”  Marshall M. Cohen

It is 4.30 a.m. on a Friday morning in August. The alarm has just gone off and I recall that I set the alarm 30 minutes earlier than usual so that I would not be late for breakfast. This morning breakfast is a Mathematics Roundtable discussion at Sydney University facilitated by Adam Spencer. As I drive to the roundtable breakfast I think about the workshop I ran yesterday for the Newcastle Mathematics Association. The enthusiasm and professionalism of the 50 mathematics teachers who attended the workshop is fresh in my mind. I am welcomed to the roundtable discussion by Professor Gavin Brown and Professor David Day. The topics under discussion include the shortage of secondary mathematics teachers and changes in enrolment patterns in mathematics courses in New South Wales (NSW).


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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.