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Towards a New Mathematics Society?

History of the Project

2009 could turn out to be an historic year for the Institute of Mathematics & its Applications (IMA) and the London Mathematical Society (LMS). The Councils of both Societies have voted to put before their respective memberships a proposal which if accepted would result in the winding up the existing societies and the formation of a New Unified Mathematics Society (NUMS). To some this may be a surprising development but in fact it is the result of almost 10 years of discussion between the two societies. This came about as a result of increasing interaction between the societies with a realisation of the degree of commonality of outlook on research teaching and the need for mathematics promotion. Also external pressures have increased and there has been serious concern for the future of mathematics in education at all levels and in matters of research funding. These concerns need to be addressed by a strong unified voice for mathematics. In addition changes in charity law mean that both societies have had to consider their purposes in terms of functioning for the public good. As a result in the late 1990s a Joint Working Group was set up to ensure closer links between the two societies.


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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.