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Towards Sustainable Activity Led Learning Innovations in Teaching Learning and Assessment

This paper was presented at the 2008 Engineering Conference - Innovation Good Practice and Research in Engineering Education.

The faculty of Engineering and Computing at Coventry University is using Activity Led Learning (ALL) innovations in teaching learning and assessment to promote student retention engagement and achievement.

The Faculty want to further develop ALL and to do so need to understand within a discipline framed context what the challenges and issues might be when implementing supporting and evaluating such innovations.

The first-stage of this initiative involves seven financially supported projects (with one located in each of the seven departments of the faculty) each of which will plan do then review and evaluate an ALL innovation. The outcomes of these project evaluations will help to inform and establish a ‘metaframework’ within which future projects may be supported and evaluated. This is with a view to achieving sustainable curriculum innovation in ALL.

This paper reports on work-in-progress on this initiative and the development of the ‘meta-framework’. This ‘meta-framework’ development supported by practice-oriented research is being coordinated by the author who is the Faculty Teaching Development Fellow.

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