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Transforming Teaching and Learning at an Institutional Level

This paper will explore the process of introducing whole-of-university curriculum change the means employed to develop a case for change and the methods employed to gain wide acceptance.  It will also outline the methods that will be used to implement the change required over the coming two year project.  The paper gives particular focus on the need to build coalitions of support from senior management teaching and learning champions at division and school level as well as academic and professional staff.  At the University of South Australia this has culminated in the biggest single investment in curriculum renewal in the university's history a first stage investment of $A4.7M.  The newly developed Teaching and Learning Framework at the University of South Australia continues the long held centrality of the development of graduate qualities but now replaces the notion of student-centred learning with student-engaged learning.  Engagement will be enhanced through the provision of active learning experiences developing an experiential approach to learning.  The aim is that in each degree program that at least one third of all learning experiences will be involved in either practice-based learning (work-based learning) research experiences or an element of service learning.

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.