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UHI Millenium Institute - Learning and Teaching Summit

The widening participation agenda and equality legislation have contributed to an increasingly diverse student population in higher education. To reflect on this and explore strategies to build and improve on work in this area the HEA held a summit meeting on Inclusive Learning and Teaching.

This reflective paper outlines the commitment and initiatives undertaken by UHI Millenium Institute as an outcome of this summit.

The overall aim of the UHInclusion programme is to ensure that the UHI learning experience supports the individual success of all our students without discrimination. It is an initiative with two distinct phases:

  • Phase 1: Clearly articulating where we are and where we want to be in terms of the UHI student experience (During the HEA Summit programme).
  • Phase 2: Making inclusion part of everyday practice - the normalisation of inclusive practice (Post HEA Summit programme).
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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.