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University of Bedfordshire - Developing Inclusive Learning and Teaching

To create a vibrant learning environment which allows all students whatever their background circumstances and learning preferences to maximise their learning potential and evidence their outcomes and to use the diversity of our community to support the learning of all.

To achieve our aims we will be working at a number of levels.

  • We have already developed an inclusive curriculum framework (CRe8) but we want to independently scrutinise this to ensure it meets our ambitions.
  • We will explore curriculum interventions designed to engage students and staff in exploring diversity and its impact in the context of preparing our students for life  in a diverse multi-cultural community.
  • We will develop materials and resources/links to help and support the aims.

Kathryn Ellis
Sub Dean Quality Enhancement

Mark Atlay Director of teaching and Learning 

Maria Udu  Equality and Diversity Officer

Betasha Case VP Democracy and Diversity University of Bedfordshire Student Union 

Shamim Warwick Senior Lecturer Business School

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.