What the project is?
University of Leeds are using the HEA’s Strategic Excellence Initiative for enhancing and personalising support for placement students. Their initiative will develop online resources to help students through the full process of considering preparing for undertaking and returning from work placements. Additionally they will design staff resources to provide consistent high quality support to students on placement in a sustainable and distinctive way.
What the project hopes to achieve?
The main benefit will be to the students undertaking work placements who will have access to high quality resources which they can then use as they plan for and return from their work placement. It will provide tools and examples of good practice and enable students to showcase and share their experiences for example through placement reports presentations and video diaries.
An important result of providing these resources will be that participating students (as producers and consumers) will improve their digital literacy. By providing these resources online Leeds will also benefit their students by encouraging more of them to see the potential benefits of work placements.
The University will be able to provide higher quality support to a larger number of students on work-placement. This will result in an improvement in student satisfaction (as measured by the NSS and our internal placement student survey) and there will be a positive impact on graduate employability (as indicated by the DLHE survey).