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University of Liverpool - Learning and Teaching Summit

The widening participation agenda and equality legislation have contributed to an increasingly diverse student population in higher education. To reflect on this and explore strategies to build and improve on work in this area the HEA held a summit meeting on Inclusive Learning and Teaching.

This reflective paper outlines the commitment and initiatives undertaken by the University of Liverpool (UoL) as an outcome of this summit.

In the context of university wide curriculum development UoL aims to inform policy change and support staff in the implementation of inclusive practice.

This project aimed to:

  1. Review current university academic related policies to draw out references to inclusion and to advise on possible changes;
  2. Raise awareness of the value of inclusive practice with teaching and support staff;
  3. Meet with staff groups to discuss effective and useful approaches to inclusive practice both from within the university and beyond;
  4. Offer ongoing support and resources as part of the curriculum review process.

The university’s development of a new strategic plan has meant a review of its policies. Subsequent implementation plans will include a major curriculum review. This provides the opportunity for all staff to reflect on the range of approaches that might be adopted to integrate key national and institutional priorities (such as employability Internationalisation etc) within a framework of inclusive practice.

The summit project team aimed to adopt a dialogic and facilitative approach to working with a range of groups of staff to raise awareness of the value of inclusive practices. At the same time we aim to gather information about current departmental and programme approaches to inclusivity in learning and teaching. This will provide the basis for targeted and appropriate dissemination of ideas and resources.

Underpinning all the changes within the university will be a review of the relevant policies. The team aim to provide informed advice to the relevant committees steering the whole process.

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.