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University of Nottingham Green Academy case study

This case study details the impact of participating in the HEA Green Academy programme (2011 – 2012) for the University of Nottingham. The case study consists of an overview of the University's sustainability strategies and activities within an institutional context and a detailed explanation of the specific impacts of the Green Academy programme.

The team from the University of Nottingham that attended the Green Academy has been galvanised and motivated to establish a more strategic position for education for sustainability across the University. In a short space of time they moved from a more limited project-based approach to embedding sustainability into the curriculum to a more strategic enabling approach linked to an already well-established institutional change process called: the Grand Challenge. In essence the Grand Challenge sends and sets out a strategic challenge to every school and without any coercion or threat invites them to participate in a broadly based change process in this specific case to find mechanisms to embed sustainability into the culture and activities of the University.

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.