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University of the West of Scotland - Learning and Teaching Summit

We aim to create an inclusive learning culture through strategic planning and senior management leadership which embeds Equality and Diversity in curricula design and improves the level of student engagement in learning.

We plan to introduce a programme of curriculum development to allow academic staff the time and to equip them with the skills to develop a more inclusive curriculum.  We intend to establish mechanisms in a bid to secure academic staff buy-in for this and negotiate resource allocation with senior management.  Alongside this we will work on changes to performance management arrangements for academics to reward curriculum development activities.

Other initiatives will focus on running an Inclusive learning and teaching conference and embedding Equality and Diversity into Strategic Planning.

A second set of initiatives will look at developing approaches to improving student engagement and improving the personal development of students through the PDP process and a programme for student employability skills development.

Team members:

Chris Bradshaw Equality and Diversity Coordinator
Cathy Gerrard Lecturer Centre for Academic and Professional Development
Linda Crearie Lecturer School of Computing
Liz Richmond Senior Education Guidance Adviser

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.