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The Use of a Graphical Input Device to Assist Student Learning

The benefits of a ‘developing’ teaching style in which a specific topic is developed on a white- or blackboard commonly known as "chalk and talk" have been widely acknowledged. However one of the drawbacks of this teaching approach is the transient nature of the notes. Students are reliant on the correctness of their copies for revisions without being able to compare their notes later with the original ones written by the lecturer. Furthermore students tend to focus on copying the notes from the board instead of engaging in the development of the topic. The aim of this project therefore was to investigate whether a graphical input device in combination with image-capturing software can be employed to generate more permanent lecture notes. Lecture notes were written on a virtual board captured and then annotated and made available to students in various formats. The impact of this approach on student experience was evaluated.

The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.