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Using computer based assessment in first year mathematics and statistics degree courses at Newcastle University

In early 2006 I was asked to set up from scratch a comprehensive CBA (Computer Based Assessment) system for all first year Maths and Stats modules in the School of Mathematics and Statistics at Newcastle. This was to be in place for October 2006 and furthermore each of the 6 modules per semester had to have 4 CBA assignments. I viewed this as potentially risky given the timescale.

However the project was successful and this article describes the process the outcomes and the firm place that CBA now holds in the school’s teaching and learning strategy. Other schools and faculties in the university are also using the system in the academic year 2007-2008.

The success of the project is largely due to the total commitment of the school especially the Head of School Professor Guyan Robertson the Head of Statistics Professor Richard Boys and the CBA Chairman Professor Robin Henderson. The expertise and patience of the IT officers Dr Michael Beaty and Dr Anthony Youd together with the support from the developers of i- assess have also been invaluable.

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.