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Using on-line summative assessment as an aid to teaching at a distance

This paper describes the development and evaluation of an on-line summative end of course assessment (ECA) and a corresponding practice assessment designed for distance taught Open University students. The assessment systems was designed to provide students on the Level 1 course Maths for Science with instantaneous detailed and targeted feedback without relying on multiple choice questions. Students are offered three attempts at each question with the amount of guidance given increasing and the marks awarded decreasing with each attempt. The Practice Assessment is available to students for the whole time they are studying and each ECA is made available to students for a few weeks at the end of their studies. Students’ use of the assessments is highly varied but there is a strong correlation between use of the Practice Assessment and the likelihood of ECA submission. Most students would like the University to develop more assessment systems of this type though some would prefer not to submit electronically. The analysis of students’ responses to questions is contributing to our knowledge of mathematical misconceptions and hence to improvements in the assessments and the course itself. Changes to the feedback process are being explored and evaluated through the HEFCE funded Formative Assessment in Science Teaching (FAST) project.

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.