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Web-based student support and course management

Students on the Mathematics degree programme at Sheffield Hallam University are supported by a custom designed website that integrates the basic delivery of module information with four separate key features:

1. Student coursework loading is managed by an assignment scheduling system. This allows staff to enter coursework (and exam) details limited to three deadlines per week and provides a graphical display of the assessment pattern for the session;

2. When adding a new assignment staff can choose to allow students to submit their coursework materials electronically. Students will then be able to use the website to upload their coursework. This is collated by the system which then sends confirmation emails to all concerned;

3. For each of the assignments entered on the system feedback can be entered using templates stored in a database emailed to students and summarised for reference or for quality assurance (QA) purposes. Students can access their current and previous feedback whenever they like; and

4. The website also provides access to an electronic log in which students reflect on their progress identify problems develop action plans for resolving them and report on progress towards doing so. They also are expected to show they have read and responded to the feedback provided as described above.

This paper will illustrate the integrated system discuss its advantages with regard to managing and communicating with the students as individuals and report some of their reactions to it.

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.