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What Sort of Pedagogic Theory do we need for Teaching Mathematics in Higher Education?

In the training of new lecturers for their teaching the question arises as to the extent to which educational theory should play a role. For example the HEA Professional Standards Framework holds as one of its principles that teaching practice should be underpinned by theory of how students learn. But there is a wide range of views amongst chalk-face mathematicians about the value and extent of such theory. So whatever theoretical underpinning of teaching and learning we provide an important consideration is pitching the content level and workload at a level that won’t be counterproductive in alienating academics. This article looks at the sorts of pedagogic theory that relate to the teaching of mathematics in HE surveys the literature and gives some practical examples of how the outcomes of such theory can have positive benefits in the classroom.

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.