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Widening participation in mathematics: an East London perspective

Queen Mary is part of the federation of colleges that make up the University of London. The School of Mathematical Sciences is one of the largest mathematics departments in the UK. It is based on the Mile End campus about two miles east of central London. I’ve worked there since August 2007. Until April 2009 I worked as a project officer for the East London region of the national ‘more maths grads’ project funded by HEFCE. I now work as the School’s Executive Officer for Teaching and Research.The ‘more maths grads’ project aims to encourage more students to take up degree courses in mathematical sciences and to increase the numbers participating who are from traditionally under-represented backgrounds. The groups mentioned in our remit include people from lower socio-economic backgrounds women adult learners and people of Bangladeshi Pakistani Black Caribbean or Black African ethnicity.In this article I will describe the HEI and local context for widening participation.

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.