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Work Related Learning (WRL) in HE - a scoping study

This is a report on a scoping study designed to inform a major project on Work-Related Learning (WRL) at three Scottish universities (Glasgow Glasgow Caledonian and St. Andrews). It was commissioned by the project team at the Centre for Research on Lifelong Learning (CRLL) at Glasgow Caledonian University and funded by the Higher Education Academy. The 'Universities Work-Related learning Project' aims to embed work-related learning into the curricula of the three partner institutions in a range of subjects in order to enhance the employability of their graduates. Through research and development with students academics and employers the project is expected to produce a strategic shift in institutional cultures and also promote a sector-wide change in approaches to work-related learning in Scotland.


wrlreport_january2007.pdf View Document

The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.