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Workshops - 15 January 2015

Choose two from the workshops below one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Individual workshops can be booked during the event booking process. All workshops are delivered by HEA's Consultants in Academic Practice.

These workshops which are aligned to the UK Professional Standards Framework for Teaching and Supporting Learning in Higher Education (UKPSF) are open to all colleagues with an interest in teaching and learning.  It may be of particular interest for those working towards Fellowship or Senior Fellowship. Specifically these workshops will provide an opportunity for delegates to engage with the dimensions of the UKPSF specified at each workshop description.


Teaching for intercultural and diversity competence

Dr Pauline Hanesworth


Language matters – student engagement in the internationalised classroom

Dr Catriona Cunningham


Roundtable discussion – Internationalising Higher Education

Paul Yates

Sailing the seven seas

Kathy Wright


Preparing 21st century  graduates to live in and contribute responsibly in a globally interconnected society

Dr Helen May


Creating opportunities for student mobility: a vision for all students?

Vida Douglas


Making the most of the HEAR: Embedding the HEAR in the student learning experience

Dr Nikki Spalding Chris Hoyle

Tales of Hope: Embedding Modern Foreign Languages across the Curriculum

Dr Catriona Cunningham


Pauline Hanesworth

Teaching for intercultural and diversity competence          

The aim of this workshop is to provide a space to explore how to create learning and teaching experiences that develop intercultural and diversity competence.

Delegates will have the opportunity to:

  • gain knowledge of current practices in teaching for intercultural and diversity competence;
  • explore how they can develop and enhance their learning and teaching practices to develop intercultural and diversity competence;
  • examine the implications of teaching for intercultural and diversity competence.

UKPSF Mapping

Area of Activity

A2 – teach and or support learning;

A5 – Engage in continuing professional development in subjects/disciplines and their pedagogy incorporating research scholarship and the evaluation of professional practices.

Professional Value

V1 – respect individual learners and diverse learning communities;

V4 – Acknowledge the wider context in which higher education operates recognising the implications for professional practice.


Catriona Cunningham

Language matters – student engagement in the internationalised classroom  

This session will create the space for delegates to examine carefully the language they use in their learning and teaching and to explore its implications for the learner.

Delegates will have the opportunity to:

  • draw on translation theory to reflect on the risky business of communication in a globalised environment
  • participate in a series of engaging and challenging activities that embody internationalisation in action
  • identify linguistic and cultural changes to make to their academic practice

UKPSF Mapping

Area of Activity

A4 – develop effective learning environments and approaches to student support and guidance;

A5 – Engage in continuing professional development in subjects/disciplines and their pedagogy incorporating research scholarship and the evaluation of professional practices.

Professional Value

V4 – Acknowledge the wider context in which higher education operates recognising the implications for professional practice.


Paul Yates

Roundtable discussion – Internationalising Higher Education

Led by some of our TDG holders the aim of this roundtable is to disseminate some of the findings of our commissioned research in the area of internationalisation and to examine its impact on learning and teaching in higher education and to enable participants to compare and contrast with their own experiences.


  • Professor Tom Joyce University of Newcastle
  • The experience of first year international students working in Engineering Teams

The number of international (non-EU) students in engineering has increased substantially in the UK over the past ten years.  At Newcastle University first year students are organised into ‘Engineering Teams’ and work together in two modules.  While generally very successful working with team mates provided challenges to some international students.  To explore this in greater depth a mixed-method research design was used to obtain feedback from the entire first year international student group during the 2012/13 academic year. Based on analysis of this data Engineering Teams have been further refined.


  • Dr Robby Soetanto Loughborough University
  • BIM-Hub: International collaborative learning for building design

BIM-Hub is a collaborative project between Loughborough Coventry (UK) and Ryerson (Canada) Universities funded by Higher Education Academy and Hewlett Packard Catalyst Initiative. The project aims to explore an innovative approach to international collaboration in building design using a real-time online platform. This presentation will share the findings and lessons learnt from three years implementation of this innovation. The findings are used to develop guidance for effective international online collaboration in building design. The initial version of the guidance can be accessed via the BIM-Hub project web-site:


  • Dr Chiara La Sala University of Leeds
  • Promoting the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) for progression from ab initio to degree challenges

The overall aim of this project is to promote the CEFR for progression in language learning.  The project addresses one of the key recommendations of the Nuffield Languages Inquiry which is the need to promote lifelong language and intercultural learning for plurilingualism. This would be achieved through ‘the development of learner responsibility and learner autonomy’ and the need for ‘a clear and transparent description of competences and qualifications to facilitate coherence in language provision’ and mobility in Europe.

Incorporating the CEFR into language teaching provides a consistent methodology to compare ab initio and post-A-level contexts.

Moreover the project addresses the decrease in application numbers in Languages in UK highlighting what universities can do to reverse this tendency.


Dr Nikki Spalding Chris Hoyle

Making the most of the HEAR: Embedding the HEAR in the student learning experience

This workshop is designed to support higher education providers with the process of implementing and embedding the Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR) and is of value to a range of colleagues including staff working in registry and quality; the students’ union; students services; careers advisory and employability units; and educational development.

The workshop is designed to enable participants:

  • To consider the context and potential challenges for institutions adopting the HEAR;
  • To find out about the experiences of other institutions who have already implemented the HEAR facilitating the sharing of good practice;
  • To develop strategies and plans that may be used in considering the development of the HEAR;
  • To be aware of emerging priorities in relation to the HEAR including use for formative purposes.

UKPSF Mapping

Area of Activity

A2 – teach and or support learning;

A4 – develop effective learning environments and approaches to student support and guidance.

Core Knowledge

K3 – how students learn both generally and within their subject / disciplinary area(s).

Professional Value

V2 – promote participation in higher education and equality of opportunity for learners;

V4 – Acknowledge the wider context in which higher education operates recognising the implications for professional practice.

This workshop is mapped to descriptors 1 2 3 & 4 (AFHEA and FHEA).


Catriona Cunningham

Tales of Hope: Embedding Modern Foreign Languages across the Curriculum

As increasing numbers of students undertake work and study abroad placements the need to learn a modern foreign language is growing. Many higher education providers are responding to this gap by implementing Languages for All programmes for students from across the disciplines. This workshop will be of interest to anyone from any discipline who wants to help their students develop their linguistic and intercultural skills in a higher education context.

Through a series of interactive activities delegates will have the opportunity to:

  • examine issues around current language provision across the disciplines in the UK
  • compare and contrast how other HEIs are implementing their institution-wide language provision
  • identify ways in which their own students could enhance their linguistic and intercultural skills

UKPSF Mapping

Area of Activity

A1 – design and plan learning activities and/or programmes of study;

A2 – teach and or support learning.

Core Knowledge

K1 – the subject material;

K6 – the implications of quality assurance and quality enhancement for academic and professional practice with a particular focus on teaching.

Professional Value

V1 – respect individual learners and diverse learning communities;

V4 – Acknowledge the wider context in which higher education operates recognising the implications for professional practice.

The workshop is mapped to descriptors 1-2 (AFHEA and FHEA).


Helen May   

Preparing 21st century graduates to live in and contribute responsibly in a globally interconnected society

This workshop will be targeted at all those engaged in curriculum design including those leading designing delivering and/or supporting learning teaching and assessment.

You will have chance to familiarise yourself with the internationalising HE framework through the lens of the curriculum.  It will overview the background to the framework its core tenets and the embedded nature of the principles of inclusivity and globalisation.  You will have the opportunity to consider how it may apply in your own institutional and/or curriculum context enabling you to assess your current progress and future priorities.

UKPSF Mapping

Area of Activity

A1 – design and plan learning activities and/or programmes of study;

A5 – Engage in continuing professional development in subjects/disciplines and their pedagogy incorporating research scholarship and the evaluation of professional practices.

Professional Value

V1 – respect individual learners and diverse learning communities;

V2 – promote participation in higher education and equality of opportunity for learners;

V4 – Acknowledge the wider context in which higher education operates recognising the implications for professional practice.


Vida Douglas          

Creating opportunities for student mobility: a vision for all students?    

This workshop will be of interest to programme leads and senior staff considering ways to develop effective student mobility opportunities for students to stay or study abroad.

Delegates will have the opportunity to:

  • discuss the principles and aim of the Bologna process and its relevance in Higher Education;
  • consider different types of student mobility approaches across various disciplines;
  • reflect on the benefits and impact of student mobility for the institution and student learning experience;
  • explore the barriers to student mobility in your own institution and identify strategies/approaches to help you to plan for change.

UKPSF Mapping

Area of Activity

A2 – teach and or support learning.

Core Knowledge

K6 – the implications of quality assurance and quality enhancement for academic and professional practice with a particular focus on teaching.

Professional Value

V2 – promote participation in higher education and equality of opportunity for learners.


Kathy Wright

Sailing the seven seas

Set in the context of a voyage in search of treasure participants will explore their own practice around seven areas which research tells us improve student engagement and lead to improved NSS scores. Experiences possible strategies and tools will be shared with colleagues en route. Attendees will be invited to weather the storms of the NSS (addressing negative experiences which can impact on NSS scores) in a private online space prior to the workshop so that the event itself will be all plain sailing!

We welcome all creative enterprising colleagues on board.


  • Teachers leading modules or programmes in any discipline
  • Teaching and Learning development/support unit staff


  • to share and evaluate potential strategies within programmes/modules to enable greater student engagement and satisfaction
  • to narrate the participant’s module/programme as a story told from a student perspective with the aim of reviewing and enhancing the future student experience
  • to explore the potential of narration and visualisation in the learning process
  • to discuss how concerns or issues in teaching learning and the learning environment might be addressed by tutors (pre-workshop discussions)

UKPSF Mapping


Area of Activity

A2 – teach and or support learning;

A4 – develop effective learning environments and approaches to student support and guidance.

Core Knowledge

K2 – appropriate methods for teaching learning and assessing in the subject area and at the level of the academic programme;

K4 – the use and value of appropriate learning technologies;

K5 – methods for evaluating the effectiveness of teaching.

Professional Value

V2 – promote participation in higher education and equality of opportunity for learners;

V3 – use of evidence-informed approaches and the outcomes.

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.